Rubber Soul

Track List
Album Notes

Eleanor Rigby
I'm Only Sleeping
Love You To
Here, There And Everywhere
Yellow Submarine
She Said She Said
Good Day Sunshine
And Your Bird Can Sing
For No One
Doctor Robert
I Want To Tell You
Got To Get You Into My Life
Tomorrow Never Knows

Label: Parlophone
Release Date:August, 1966
Available Formats:CD, Cassette, Vinyl
Genre:Rock & Pop
Catalog Number:46441
Spars Code:AAD

Melody Maker (10/2/93, p.29) - Ranked #2 in NME's list of the
`Greatest Albums Of All Time.'

Album Notes
The Beatles: George Harrison (vocals, guitar, sitar); John Lennon
(vocals, guitar); Paul McCartney (vocals, guitar, piano, keyboards,
bass); Ringo Starr (vocals, drums). Additional personnel includes:
Alan Civil (French horn); Anil Bhagwat (tabla); Brian Jones
(background vocals). All songs written by John Lennon and Paul
McCartney except "Taxman," "Love You To" and "I Want To Tell You"
(George Harrison). REVOLVER was praised for its musical
experimentation: the Indian sounds of "Love You To," the
Motown-inspired "Got To Get You Into My Life," the backward-recorded
guitar in "I'm Only Sleeping." "Tomorrow Never Knows" was the most
radical departure from previous Beatles' recordings: skeletal
bass/drums propulsion enhanced only with tape loops (contributed by
all four Beatles and added in the mix-down process), more
backward-recorded guitar and an eerie vocal by Lennon. The Beatles'
experimentation grew out of their songwriting, which had matured
beyond formula pop. "Tomorrow Never Knows" borrowed from the Tibetan
Book of the Dead, Harrison's "Taxman" was a bitter diatribe, while
McCartney's "Eleanor Rigby" was a bleak portrait of loneliness.
Balanced with upbeat songs like "Good Day Sunshine" and "Yellow
Submarine," REVOLVER proved The Beatles were no simple teen idols,
they were musical artists in search of new sounds and